Tuesday 7 April 2015

some of the projects we sponsor.

Zuri Medicine, and Homeopathy for Health in Africa sponsored 2 students to sit in on clinics last week.
It was a great learning experience for them.
I received an email this morning from one of them expressing interest in learning more about homeopathy:
The clinic was very good, and we gained a lot of experiences about homeopathy. 
I didn't think clinic would be different than we were taught but people didn't come in and tell us their suffering exactly like we see in the books. You have to be very cleaver and use your mind to understand what they are telling you.
I like clinic work and wish to experience more of it.
Thank you for sponsoring me.
Your donations help us to fund projects like this..
just give:

Monday 6 April 2015

She was only 17...

She's 17. 
HIV+, but is not on ARV's, CD4 count 312.
She's had these blisters on the inside of her right thigh for the past 6 months.
Rhus-T 30c every other day for a month.
This is the result after 1 month... it looks good now.
Join our just give campaign so we can continue bringing services to her and others.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Using your small change to make a BIG change

About 2 weeks ago, I was at a point where I should have been on top of the world because Zuri Medicine had just opened a new clinic, our 4th in addition to mobile clinics, and had finished teaching 2 week of acute care homeopathy in a village so remote it took us 3 hours crammed into the back of a 14 seater that held 20 passengers, to get there from the nearest big town Mwanza, in Tanzania. Instead, I found myself curled up in bed crying. I was overwhelmed. I wrote to my friend Annie and said;   “I need a powerful psychic to tell me that what I'm doing is my destiny or some such thing and not just a fool’s errand..I’m having one of those days — feeling meh.”       
16 yr old with diabetes from a snake bite to the hand cost - 30 dimes
cured ringworm cost 80 nickels
For the first time Zuri Medicine had to hire a teacher to do the acute care training because when I looked at my schedule I needed to be in another town 12 hrs away to open a clinic where I saw 60 patients in 3 days.  Actually, for the upcoming year, at all times I need to be in at least 2 places at once.  (has there been any recent talks on cloning?).  The request for homeopathy training and clinics are coming in at a speed that gives me anxiety attacks when I  open my email because I'm getting at least 1 per day now,  I didn’t anticipate any of this would be possible only 1 short year ago when I set out to do this work. Now I need a teacher to help fill these request that come in daily.  I realize no matter how I reorder my schedule, I just can’t handle this by myself anymore.  

Popo, Zuri Medicine's homeopathy teacher. 50 quarters for 1 day

This month alone I’ve gotten emails for acute care homeopathy training in 3 remote villages in Uganda.  I’m still working out the particulars for clinics to aid genital mutilation victims spread across 4 different regions in Tanzaina, (I thought GM was a thing of the past), and at the Congo clinic in Bukavu  there’s talk of our work spreading to Kinshasa as the head of the  Bukavu schools have told the Kinshasa schools about the good results to the children suffering from bad cases of  ringworm, malaria and amoeba.  All this work flooding in and me as head cook and bottle washer, (for the young people reading this it means I’m the one doing everything), with not enough time to cover everywhere, but I’m not complaining.

Zuri Medicine giving ringworm and amoeba medicine to the primary school children. 200 pennies per child 

The majority of people I treat can’t afford to pay. At best I charge $2 per person but in a country where this is a DAILY wage for a lot of people, we treat for free and nobody is ever turned away.  The treatment provided to children in schools is also done for free. The training we do is done so there is SOME health care in remote villages, and I could keep going on and on  about what Zuri Medicine does. Annie in all her wisdom has asked how she can help and has come up with a plan that I think is ingenious.
studying homeopathy so they can take it back to their village to help others

Save your small change for the month of March and donate it to Zuri Medicine.  March is a time for Miracles, and to be honest both Zuri Medicine and I could use a miracle right now. By donating the change you find under the bed, in the washer/dryer, caught in the vacuum when you do the carpets, in the cushions on the couch, you can help me make a profound difference to the quality of someone’s life. 

200 pennies = 4 children treated
cured from a itchy scaly skin rash  cost 120 nickels
75 dimes =  20 doses of medication
50 quarters = 2 hrs of clinical training.

Zuri is bringing affordable healing to people who otherwise don't have access and your spare change CAN make a difference.
Please donate at our link below.