Tuesday 7 April 2015

some of the projects we sponsor.

Zuri Medicine, and Homeopathy for Health in Africa sponsored 2 students to sit in on clinics last week.
It was a great learning experience for them.
I received an email this morning from one of them expressing interest in learning more about homeopathy:
The clinic was very good, and we gained a lot of experiences about homeopathy. 
I didn't think clinic would be different than we were taught but people didn't come in and tell us their suffering exactly like we see in the books. You have to be very cleaver and use your mind to understand what they are telling you.
I like clinic work and wish to experience more of it.
Thank you for sponsoring me.
Your donations help us to fund projects like this..
just give:

Monday 6 April 2015

She was only 17...

She's 17. 
HIV+, but is not on ARV's, CD4 count 312.
She's had these blisters on the inside of her right thigh for the past 6 months.
Rhus-T 30c every other day for a month.
This is the result after 1 month... it looks good now.
Join our just give campaign so we can continue bringing services to her and others.